Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day...

Landon says several words, but none of them are Mom, Mommy, or Momma, or really anything close to it. He says "Daddy" all the time, which is what made this little moment today so great.

Chris: "Landon, say Daddy!"

Landon: "Momma"

And my Mother's day was complete.


Poulsen Family said...


Blythe said...

So cute! What a smart little guy.

A said...

They always say Daddy first!

ash & mat said...

for the longest time, Mason referred to me at Ashley. It wasn't until I came home on maternity leave that he started calling me Mommy. I kind-of miss the Ashley, but I like Mommy very much too.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet that feels so nice to finally hear that precious word.