Wednesday, June 11, 2008

15 month appointment...

Landon had his 15 month appointment yesterday. He weighed in at 25 pounds (93rd percentile) and 33 inches tall (60th percentile) He loves to give kisses now, which makes makes my day. And his most repeated phrase lately is "Oh no!" And he says it in situations that actually apply, like when he falls down, or drops something, which totally surprised me. That, and "no, no, no" which he says in just about any situation, which does not surprise me since we are saying that to him constantly! But he's a cutie pie and keeps me laughing all day long. I can't believe how fast he is growing!


Poulsen Family said...

Wow, he could totally give Lydia the smack down. Although Lydia could probably teach him a thing or two about talking back. It's the best when Lydia says, "no no, mama", k, so maybe you don't want him learning that one just yet.

A said...

That post with the nose "experimenting" was pretty funny! Wanna hear a really shocking statistic? My kid weighed 24 lbs at 6 months!