Yeah...if you haven't noticed, every year around the holidays the blogging stops happening. It gets so busy that I don't keep up on posting, and then I get so far behind that I can't catch up. So....with that being said, we DID have a great Christmas! There's nothing I love more than great food and family. I am not too hard to please. New Years, Landon got really sick and within a day or two I was right there with him. So we spent New Years in bed. But it was just fine with me because we all caught up on all kinds of much needed sleep. Within a few days of the New Year, Chris was right back in school and everything quickly went back to the regular grind.
As for now, I feel like I have been pregnant for about 2 years now and it seems like each day is starting to drag. We have a little over two weeks until Baby #2 is estimated to arrive, but I am having so many Braxton Hicks contractions and all kinds of aches and pains that I am hoping means he won't wait that long to make an appearance. (That may just be wishful thinking!) At my appointment on Friday I was dilated to a 2 - 50% effaced - and my doctor could feel his little head, so at least SOMETHING is happening. With Landon I was a week overdue and locked up like Fort Knox. I was beginning to wonder if I would be pregnant forever. Thank goodness for pitocin these days or I may have been the lady that never went into labor.
I have been meaning to post this picture for months now. Many of you may have already seen this on Facebook, but this ultrasound picture is from a couple of months ago. While they were checking things out, this little guy put his legs above his head and left them there the whole time. This baby may just come out sucking on his knees!

We are definitely getting super anxious and excited to meet our new little one! We will keep everyone updated over the next week or two. Everyone cross your fingers for me that I don't have to wait any longer than that!