Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hooray for the Snugli!

For those of you who do not own a snugli, go to the store right now and buy one. If you don't have a baby yet, carry your dog around in it or something, it's bound to work for it too. We were given two different ones as gifts (one regular one, and one JEEP brand one that looks really manly, Chris was pretty happy about that) Well, Landon has these "fussy episodes" like clockwork from about 6:00-7:30 every day. That just so happens to be right around the time that I am trying to make dinner, and Chris is trying to work but Landon insists on being held, otherwise he screams. Since Chris is in the office doing call reviews and such, we can't have him screaming in the background, so Chris decided to bust out the snugli one evening. HALLELUJAH!! Landon loves it! In fact, I think he likes being in it more

than being held because he has yet to fuss or cry when he has been in it. Chris just straps in on every day and sits at his desk and carries on with work as usual, giving me some free hands to make dinner and clean up around the house a little bit. Most times he ends up falling asleep, in that case we turn him around in it so he can sleep against Chris's chest. Right this very moment, Chris is wearing the snugli with Landon just chillin' in it while he plays playstation. (talk about quality time right there)

1 comment:

Poulsen Family said...

I have an older one that is horrible to get them in and out of (not a sungli)...makes me want to go out and buy a new sungli.
