Monday, April 2, 2007

Welcome to our blog...

Considering that Chris won't even get online to post pictures on (he makes me do it) is probably a good indication that you won't see too many posts on here from him. Nevertheless, I will try to keep this updated for the BOTH of us, even if it means typing while he dictates. As you have probably gathered already, we decided to hop on the band wagon of bloggers after seeing Lindsay's and also Aimee's. I figure we have enough people living out of state that we don't keep nearly enough contact with, so hopefully this will spread all the little details of our fun life across the country a little faster. So keep in touch everyone, especially with all the babies coming into the world! Chris and I have been dying to compare photos to see if they look like cousins!

Let the blogging begin...

1 comment:

Poulsen Family said...

Hooray, another family blog. I'm so excitied that you decided to do this! Cute pictures! Landon sure is a hansome baby!
